W o l l o n g o n g.

Wollongong is one destination in Australia I've always wanted to visit, so when I booked this job earlier in the year I was really excited about it. It would be a working-reunion of sorts with some of my favourite travel buddies and personal mentors. Plus, my friend and ridiculously talented Photographer Will Patino has been showcasing the best of Wollongong for years now and I couldn't wait to get down there and see it for myself. 

To be completely and candidly honest, I was in a pretty bad place a few weeks ago before I left for the last three back-to-back jobs. Now I'm home, I can sit back and say I'm extremely grateful for my friends that are my blood, my family, the ones that help me through. I'm also incredibly grateful to say that I genuinely love my job more than anything. 

On campaign, one thing you can never control is the weather and it seemed to be closely mimicking my feelings - dark and moody. Life sure isn't perfect and I often find the days are hard, but having the opportunity to surround myself with people who understand me, who push me creatively and who encourage me to no end means everything to me. 

And seriously, who couldn't fall in love with this little pocket of Australia?! It's SO, SO stunning, even during any type of storm. 

I know I say this about everywhere I visit, but I actually can't wait to go back!

M. x


A r a b i a n D r e a m s •


Take me somewhere I can breathe.